significado de la raiz (induco: inducir, inducción, inductor). COMPOSICIÓN VERBAL. En latín, suele consistir en la unión de una preposición más un verbo. La.


traduco, traducis, traducere C, traduxi, traductum = lead across adduco, adducis, adducere C, adduxi, adductum = lead, prompt, induce duco, ducis, ducere C, duxi, ductum = lead, guide, develop reduco, reducis, reducere C, reduxi, reductum = bring back, lead back

indomitus : untamed, wild. induco : cover, put on clothing,  presentar en latín. Tenemos cuatro traducciones de presentar en el diccionario español-latín. Publicidad. Español. Latín.

Induco latin

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Induco Solutions has been a great partner of ours these past two years. The stable, high quality, detail oriented team they have assembled to support our flat-fee services has continued to impress. They follow our exacting quality control procedures well and are always learning and growing to better serve our needs and scale to service our growing customer base. Induco provides virtual administration support to small to medium sized business owners who require the skills and knowledge of an experienced PA, but don’t want the additional headcount and employee overheads. Induco could be the solution for you if: • You always seem to have a never ending to do list! Induco Aktiebolag,556014-6416 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Induco Aktiebolag induce according to the free Latin Dictionary.

sing. inducit : inducebat : inducet : induxit : induxerit : induxerat : 1ère pers.

16 Abr 2020 Letra del Gaudeamus Igitur en latín. Gaudeamus igitur, iuvenes dum sumus. (bis) Post iucundam iuventutem, post molestam senectutem, nos 

vezet ige Translation for: 'induco indux inductum' in Latin->English dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. lead = adducere. A angol a Latin online szótár.

Induco latin

Translation for: 'induco indux inductum' in Latin->English dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs.

revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten by. Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D. and.

* masc. sing. - inductus - Sostantivo 4 decl. * masc. plur. - inductus - Aggettivo 1 classe * masc. sing.
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pl. indutivos, fem.

(List truncated at 20 verbs) traduco, traducis, traducere C, traduxi, traductum = lead across adduco, adducis, adducere C, adduxi, adductum = lead, prompt, induce duco, ducis, ducere C, duxi, ductum = lead, guide, develop reduco, reducis, reducere C, reduxi, reductum = bring back, lead back Dizionario Latino-Italiano. indūco. [indūco], indūcis, induxi, inductum, indūcĕre.
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Du har rätt igen: induco. Kyrkolatinet är för övrigt inte alls så elegant som det klassiska - på flera olika sätt. Uttalet är vekare, som i italienskan.

kingdom. persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi, persuasus. to persuade (+ dative). Contextual translation of "introducir" from Spanish into Latin. Examples translated by humans: induco, voló enim.